Inground Pool Builders & Contractors in Allentown PA

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#1 Inground Pool Builders & Contractors in Allentown PA
Here’s an example of a pool that we recently built in Allentown:

Monogram Custom Pools is a pool builder that really loves Allentown, PA! Not only have we built a number of fantastic pools here, but this city is also where one of our owners was born. In addition, it was the home to Alpine Beverage Center, which was the small business owned by the father of Monogram Custom Pools’ president (and the root of Monogram’s entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to customer service).

If you grew up in the Lehigh Valley, you may have known Alpine Beverage Center. It was the only place in town where the owner always carried your purchase to your car and made sure that children always left with a smile. Monogram Custom Pools has shamelessly copied this “old school” approach to customer service and always tries to ensure that wherever we build a gunite in ground pool, our customers always end with a smile!

At Monogram Custom Pools, we would like to help you create some fun memories of your own in your backyard with a new in ground swimming pool. We can build you a concrete pool that is “Crystal Clear and Hassle Free” and requires virtually no maintenance. In addition, you can control your pool while at home in Allentown or from anywhere in the world via your iPhone or Android.

Call or email us for a free estimate and pool design.

Why Our Customers Love Us

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Free Guide10 steps to the PERFECT pool

Discover the EASY way to get the PERFECT pool you’ve always dreamed about having.

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    Saturday - Sunday: Closed #1 In ground Swimming Pool
    Builder in Lehigh County
    We are located in Coopersburg but we serve all Lehigh valley including Allentown, Bethlehem, Bucks County, Easton, Lehigh County, Nazareth, Northampton County, Northeast and Saucon Valley Contact Us For a Quote 610-282-0237 Contact Social Media 610-282-0235 5171 West Hopewell Rd.
    Center Valley, PA 18034
    Privacy Policy Sitemap © Copyright 2023 Monogram Custom Pools Office Hours Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00